As a company, we are keen to support our local community. Today we visited Worcester Foodbank and dropped off some Springpack beanie hats and hand sanitisers for those in need.
On arrival we were greeted by Geoff, a volunteer at the Foodbank. He kindly showed us round the warehouse, explaining how the charity works to support those in need. The Foodbank is literally a lifeline for many.
The charity had their busiest month ever in December, meaning more and more people are requiring support. And it’s not just food either. Some of the visitors are missing regular contact and drop in for chat with a friendly face.
In December, we donated £250 to the Worcester Foodbank Christmas Charity Giftcard Appeal and a further £75 at a later date as a result of our company raffle.
A big thank you to all of the wonderful volunteers who make the Worcester Foodbank what it is today.